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Celebrating the 24th Teachers' Day!  

2008-09-10 09:28:55|  分类: 全英语ESSAY |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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          Today is the 24th Teachers' Day! Let me say hello to all the teachers in the world! Let me give my best regards to my primary school teachers,my mid-school teachers,my university teachers,no matter where they are!

            When I was a child,my teacher taught me how to learn,how to work,how to be a human,I couldn't forget when I was in primary school,I was so naughty,my teacher didn't hit me,but taught me softly. And when I was a university student,my teacher taughtme how to learn English well.

            And now I've been a teacher for thirty years,I know that it's not too easy for one to be a good teacher! The teachers work so many, but their place is not too high,and the salary is low!

             So, in my school,I treat my teachers not as the other training school. I seldom cut down their salary,and take them as my own teachers. From the just founding of my school, there are more than one hundred teachers worked in my school,no one hates me! Because I not a boss, but  a teacher!



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